Exclusive video cooking recipes.nFollowed by a step by step video subtitles personally cooking delicious and healthy dishes
"主廚到我家" 訴求讓不曾下廚的你也能夠一步步跟著食譜體驗烹飪的魅力。食安問題不停在亞洲上演風暴。 外食就如同每天把生命交給陌生人。 吃的油究竟是哪一個檔期的搜水油? 吃的蔬菜有真的無農藥殘留嗎? 香煎油炸後還能分辨是組合肉嗎? ✔ 無數的疑問只有一個答案: "自己的食物自己做"應用程式特色: - 獨家影音食譜字幕步驟,讓你時間到就上菜- 智慧料理等待時間,每個步驟都可以跟的上主廚腳步- 上百篇影音食譜分門別類,絕不私藏- 分享獨門料理秘訣聯絡信箱:
[email protected]免責聲明: 影片來源擷取自YouTube, 所有版權歸屬於上傳者. 本App僅提供字幕與相關程式."Chef to my house" Appeal did not let you cook can follow a recipe step by step to experience the charm of cooking.Food security issues storm kept staged in Asia. Like eating out every day lives to strangers. Eat oil is exactly what a search flight of water and oil? Eat vegetables are really no pesticide residues do? After Fried Fried also tell is a combination of meat?✔ Numerous questions have only one answer: "their own food."App Features:- Exclusive video recipes subtitle steps to get you on time to serve- Cooking wisdom waiting time, each step can be followed on the footsteps of chef- Audio and video on one hundred recipes categorized, never possession- Share cooking tips detachedContact mail:
[email protected]: The video source capture from YouTube, all 1987-2012 By The App only provides subtitles and related programs.